Thursday, March 27, 2008

what a day !!

First I finally got around to making another baby to show you, Haven't decided on a name yet.

Yesterday was my birthday and I had wishes sent to me from all over the world !!!.

I needed them LOL Had a wee bit of car trouble, discovered why

guys like to kick tires...... I should have ...... my car started making funny noises so I of course stopped and looked. could not see anything so thought, drive to my father in law's house which was close and have him have a look ...... went very slow ..... nice soft gravel muddy road ..... uphill.....

forgot about the washboard ........ watched my tire race up the hill and then back to me.....

hopefully I will get it back today as I have a houseful of teenagers ( spring break ) and yes they were all in the car with me.....

I was asked by Linda yesterday as to how much snow we had left so took this picture.....

of my sundeck ...........................

then woke up this morning to this

my front yard !!!!